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Audio: Pastor says 'heart of God will be extremely disappointed' is NC amendment fails

by Jeremy Hooper

Pastor Mark Harris speaking at last weekend's "Marriage Sunday" service:

SOURCE: Marriage Sunday–4/29/12 [FBC Charlotte]

Weird, I always thought God would be much more disappointed at the hundreds of thousands of dollars that are being spent on this divisive non-issue rather than on something that could actually benefit the mortal world. But what do I know? I'm just one of those hippy types who has been duped into believing that human kindness, love, and community building for the sake of peace are much more in line with our earthbound duties than is the constant cultivation of animus towards a certain population.


*Another one from this same megachurch pastor (and major Amendment 1 backer): Audio: Another Amendment 1 preacher, another personal attack on LGBT people's human worth [G-A-Y]

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