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Decrial of mouse-eared gays joins white pants in post–Memorial Day tradition-dom
It's that time of year again: the annual period where social conservatives, led by the Florida Family Association's David Caton, accuse joy- and Space Mountain–loving gays of using Disney World as an LGBT recruitment center:
"There will be perhaps as many as 18,000 same-sex revelers in the Magic Kingdom pretty much all day long," [Caton] reports. "The [Gay Days] event is pretty much a celebration of their lifestyle, and they target Disney on the first Saturday of summer because that's when they've known in the past that the most children are in the park."
Another reminder about 'Gay Days' at Disney [ONN]
What, do they think we sit around in our homosexual agenda bunkers with flow charts and complex mapping technology, hoping to pinpoint the exact
time when little ones will most up for the taking? I ask this rhetorically, though it's astounding the ease with which I can imagine hearing that suggestion presented as fact on a Christian conservative radio show.
In order to counter all of this "kid recruiting" (a.k.a. paying adults simply enjoying a theme park at a time when the weather is nicest), Caton and Co. will again fly planes with anti-LGBT banners around the park and surrounding communities. Because time, energy and good will are not enough concepts to waste—Caton has to toss gas down the drain as well.