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Focus on the Family gets 'ex-gay'-happy
In the past day, Focus on the Family's CitizenLink site has randomly posted four different stories about/from self-professed "ex-gays," all designed to call into question fixed orientation:
[SOURCE: FoTF's Citizenlink]
Focus on the Family gives no context for the postings. In fact, one can't even see that they posted them from the main Citizenlink site. I only know they posted them because the articles came into my RSS feed for this site.
So what gives? In the wake of the historic Obama announcement, is Focus stockpiling "evidence" against us? Can we expect a full-on onslaught of "gays can and should change" propaganda in the days and weeks to come? Are they doubling down?
I say, "bring it!" The greater public does not support the idea of "choice" or "change." The more these folks show that their agenda goes well beyond policy and right into the hearts and minds at the cores of LGBT people's beings, the more an increasingly aware public will understand what those of us who monitor this movement have been seeing for years!