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GOP group NOM was always planning to 'sideswipe Obama'; all else is noise
Over the next few months, you are going to see the National Organization For Marriage say any any everything in hopes of making Barack Obama look divisive, radical, and generally bad. NOM wants to divide the Democratic party because NOM is a highly partisan group:
But when you see stuff like this, just remember one thing: this organization announced its intent to "sidewipe Obama" just mere months after this President took office:
More importantly, make sure you let others know as well. Because while it's understandable that an outfit like NOM would want to weigh in on Wednesday's historic announcement, the fact of the matter is that NOM had every plan of going nuclear against this President from the day the man was inaugurated! In this election season, this stated plan to "sideswipe" is not a minor point. It proves how nothing he did, said, or qualified was ever going to be good enough for the NOM crowd.
The reality is that nothing any candidate or office holder says will ever be good enough, unless it's a full throated endorsement of the truly chilling NOM agenda. You know—they very kind of endorsement that Mitt Romney gave this very same cynical agenda:
[Romney Affirms Support for National Organization For Marriage Pledge]