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How NOM's seemingly limitless cash well is shaping Maryland
This year, the National Organization For Marriage is trying to drive a wedge between gays and [insert whoever] in every single state where our rights are on the ballot, masterminding the fifty state plan from the cozy NOM office on Washington DC's fabled K Street. Here's the latest from Maryland:
BALTIMORE - The National Organization for Marriage, the national anti-gay group that produced the infamous race-baiting memos, has funded a significant portion of Maryland Marriage Alliance's signature gathering efforts, according to official disclosure reports filed with the state. The Alliance spent about $70,000 collecting signatures, with about $25,000 in cash coming from NOM. NOM also gave the Alliance an additional $58,000 of in-kind donations for the petition drive.
“Regardless of where you are on the marriage issue, there is no room for racial exploitation,” said Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. “Marriage equality is about building stronger families and protecting children of same-sex couples, and their efforts to divide Marylanders based on race is a tactic that will hurt us all.”
Race-Baiting NOM Funds Maryland Petition Drive [Marylanders For Marriage Equality]