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I agree with Maggie Gallagher: Mitt Romney needs to articulate Amendment 1 stance

by Jeremy Hooper

Grab your ice skates and head to hell, folks, for I actually agree with Maggie Gallagher on something. Namely, that's it completely lame and weak for Mitt Romney to not comment on tomorrow's Amendment 1 vote in North Carolina:

Just a few days before the polls close on Tuesday, Mitt Romney still has said nothing about the marriage amendment in North Carolina.
The stubborn silence—and not just on Romney’s part—among GOP leaders is defining.

The stupidity is discouraging.

Marriagephobia and the GOP [Culture War Victory Fund]

Come on, Governor. Are you the hardcore social conservative that people like Maggie want you to be, or are you the moderate who would have been likely to oppose marriage amendments if such had come up back in the mid-'90s?

Do you, Governor, like several other "pro-marriage" people who are watching North Carolina, think that this particular ban goes too far? Or are you perfectly okay with stripping same-sex couples of any possibility of any kind of protection?

Do you want to cater to what is truly (and objectively) among the most hostile "protect marriage" campaigns to ever greet any of our states? Or, Governor, are you going to stand with our inevitable future—a future where such animus-fueled bans will undoubtedly be overturned?

There's a crucial vote tomorrow. A leader has already made his opinion known. Et tu, Republican challenger?

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