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Joseph Farah: 'Obama has cursed us all'; 'God's wrath' now certain
This comes from the editor and publisher of the conserva-popular WorldNetDaily:
"There will be serious consequences for America as a result of this growing apostasy. I believe we are already feeling them. It’s praiseworthy that voters in 32 out of 32 states have rejected this invention of the pseudo-intellectual cultural elite. But, it will take more than that to prevent God’s wrath on a nation flirting with arrogant, defiant rejection of one of God’s most sacred injunctions.
As a man claiming to be America’s leader, Obama has cursed us all. In fact, he himself represents one of those judgments that, I believe, is already upon us as a nation."
—Joseph Farah
Wait, President Obama is part of the curse? Interesting. I'd always heard that God works in mysterious ways, though somehow I always thought he'd channel his wrath through something a little more direct than the electoral college.