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MD pastor on killing gays: 'I will be very honest with you, my flesh kind of likes that idea'

by Jeremy Hooper

In his fifty minute sermon titled "Homosexuality and the Bible," Oakland, MD, Baptist pastor Dennis Leatherman makes it clear that he believes gays cannot be thrown in prison without equally punishing adulterers, and is generally consistent about the Scriptural limitations that he feels are placed upon him in terms of how he handles homosexuality, something he admits he "feel[s] dirty just talking about." However, that doesn't stop him from admitting that his "flesh" is actually intrigued by the idea of killing certain kinds of "sinner":

"To be… have a tendency to be effeminate or homosexual is just as wicked as to have a tendency to be a womanizer. Sinful nature does not justify sinful behavior. Now what is our take? What is our response? I appreciate your bearing with me tonight. First of all, there is a danger of reacting in the flesh, of responding not in a scriptural, spiritual way, but in a fleshly way. Kill them all. Right? I will be very honest with you. My flesh kind of likes that idea. But it grieves the Holy Spirit. It violates Scripture. It is wrong."

SOURCE: FULL AUDIO: "Homosexuality and the Bible" [Mountain Lake Independent Baptist Church via Sermon Audio]
SOURCE: FULL TRANSCRIPT: "Homosexuality and the Bible" [Mountain Lake Independent Baptist Church via Sermon Audio]

Well, I'm glad you were honest with us. I guess.

Let's just hope you never lose your faith, Pastor. I hate to think that your personal belief is the thin rope that separates my mortal life and your "kinda like that idea" whims!!

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