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Mind the Gap: AFA's motherly overreaching sets sights on affordable V-necks
Another American company has dared to acknowledge that LGBT both exist and buy things, so naturally the American Family Association's one or two moms who run "One Million Moms" jumped in to save the day:
The group is upset about a billboard that features a gay couple and says “GAP needs to seriously consider how their immoral advertising affect the youth of our nation.”
AFA's OneMillionMoms Announces Boycott of The Gap for Billboard Featuring Gay Couple [Right Wing Watch]
And no, their issue is not the fear that this cutie couple is going to stretch out the tee. As to expected, the AFA moms make it all about protecting the vulnerable children who they say will be damaged by this acknowledgement of their world's reality.
At some point, they should just come out and say it: these moms really want to put deep in the closet with our '80s acid wash.