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NOM Political Director: 'Not a chance in God’s green earth that African-Americans support same-sex marriage'
This quote, from the former Prop 8 campaign head and current political Director for the National Organization For Marriage, is almost too unbelievable for words:
A Washington Post-ABC News poll released Wednesday put support for gay marriage at 53 per cent, its highest level yet. Opposition fell to a new low of 39 per cent. The increase in support was driven by an 18-per-cent jump (to 59 per cent) among African-Americans, but the small sample size of black voters may have skewed the results.
“There is not a chance in God’s green earth that African-Americans support same-sex marriage,” Frank Schubert of the National Organization for Marriage said in response to the poll. (Blacks have traditionally opposed gay marriage more than whites.)
Gay marriage as America’s latest culture war [Globe & Mail]
This offensively monolithic claim from a spokesman for an organization that has admitted it wants to "drive a wedge between gays and blacks." And an organization, it must be noted, that does not have one single African-American staff member (at least not in a leadership/outreach role).
Guess President Obama is president of the U.S. that exists on God's purple Earth.