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Pastor doesn't want NC seeing gays as 'fine and dandy'; recruits $51k for Amendment One for that very purpose

by Jeremy Hooper

A few days ago, I let you listen to First Baptist Church of Charlotte pastor Mark Harris prove how much beyond marriage the typical Amendment 1 rhetoric can and does go. For a reminder of Harris' all-out repudiation of the ideas that gay people are "fine and dandy" or should be regarded as normal, here's that audio once again:

SOURCE: Marriage Sunday–4/29/12 [FBC Charlotte]

Right, so why do I let you hear this hostile clip again now, two days before North Carolina votes? Well, because I was just poking through the Vote For Marriage NC campaign's disclosure reports, where I learned that this very same church has given over $50,0000 to pass this discriminatory Amendment:

Screen Shot 2012-05-06 At 3.57.31 Pm

Not an insignificant amount of cash. And who knows how much more they'll give after this weekend's collection?

Is this really what you support, North Carolina: the idea that your constitution should be turned into a weapon that tells LGBT taxpayers they are trapped, abnormal, and innately less-than-fine? Time to decide.

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