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Pastor: We suffer more under marriage equality 'than we would have under segregation'
Dwight McKissic, pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, TX:
"This means that parents are now going to have an extremely difficult time teaching their children that marriage biblically and traditionally is between a man and a woman, when the President that many love and admire is now on record endorsing sodomy. This is painful and shameful. The Black Church should galvanize, mobilize and address this matter with the same (if not greater) intensity, velocity and resolve as we did the Civil Rights Movement. If we don't, our children and grandchildren will pay a far greater price in suffering from a governmental sanction of same-sex marriage than we would have under segregation." SOURCE: Baptist Press]
Yes, he did just claim that marriages like mine are more of a threat than the abominable ills attached to racial segregation. And yes, the Baptist Press just printed it.
Nevertheless, I will stand for Mr. McKissic's freedoms (including freedom to say/preach such things about me) until the day I die. That he won't do the same for me, and in fact cruelly uses history to demonize my life and my family? That's on him, not me.