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RI Governor orders (five-minutes-across-state-line) marriage parity
For the past few years, there have been questions surrounding the state of Rhode Island and whether or not the state would recognize same-sex couples who married elsewhere. Today, Gov. Lincoln Chafee made it clear that the state will:
Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee Orders State to Recognize Gay Marriages Performed Elsewhere [Towle]
As someone who benefited from this sort of loophole back when my home state, NY, would recognize same-sex marriages but not perform them at home, I'm thrilled to hear that RI is giving its committed couples this nice, fully-clarified option. Sure, in a perfect world, destination weddings should always be a choice, not a demand. But in our far-from-perfect nation, we must move forward through every open path we can, seizing our rights and protecting our bonds.
Soon enough, state lawmakers will wise up to how much money they are forfeiting via this joy-abroad setup. Until then? Massachusetts and Connecticut are like the wacky, breakout neighbors in Rhode Island's sitcom: they get all the fun lines and applause, while the star gets the the boring, serviceable part.