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The never-ending anti-LGBT doings of cable news' go-to conservative voice
From time to time, someone who works in the mainstream media will question why I think groups like the Family Research Council deserve so much attention on their anti-LGBT work specifically. Some of them don't understand why I say that, when booking someone like Tony Perkins or Peter Sprigg on their cable news shows, it's always fair game to hold them accountable for their anti-LGBT work. "But the topic is not gay rights," they'll say, "so it's more than fair that I booked this person without making that a thing."
What these folks, who don't spend as much time delving into the words and work of groups like FRC, don't understand is that anti-LGBT advocacy is not just a part of many of these groups' daily chores—in many cases, anti-LGBT advocacy is *the* key focus that consumes the majority of the group's time! FRC is probably the worst offender.
Latest case in point: FRC has just issued its latest round of "prayer targets." There are three listed targets. Of those targets? Two of them are directly centered on denouncing gay people, our peaceful military service, our marriages, our deserved protections, and our supposed fitness in God's eyes. Here's the first, wherein popular pundit Perkins equates benign acceptance of LGB soldiers as some sort of "attack":
Having served as a Marine, FRC President Tony Perkins said "This is a micro view of the macro problem that we've been warning would be a part of any same-sex "marriage" proposal. If the religious freedoms of our troops are disposable, then how could anyone believe that the administration won't broaden its attack to everyone who opposes homosexuality?" Urging conscience rights supporters to contact their Senators, Perkins said, "The American military is trying to resolve conflicts around the world. The last thing it needs is to be deployed in the President's war to legitimize homosexuality."
Pray that Americans with sons, daughters, and relatives in the military will come to their defense and demand that their Senators vote to release God-fearing chaplains to minister the Word of God without censorship. May our military chapels never be used to perform unions of or celebrate what God calls abominable (Dan 3:16-18; 6:7-10; Acts 5:19; 23:1; Rom 13:5; 1 Tim 1:5; 3:9; 4:2; 2 Tim 1:3; Tit 1:15; 1 Pt 2:19).
Prayer Targets [FRC]
Then there's this one, where FRC instructs followers to pray for FRC's goals of stopping every last LGBT rights gain:
Pray that FRC's Watchmen on the Wall Pastors Briefing and Bishop Jackson's Marriage Protection Summit will be powerfully used by the Holy Spirit to stir and equip pastors across America to prevent the Obama push to implement the homosexual agenda: repeal of DOMA, passage of ENDA and a complete silencing of all who plainly proclaim Biblical truth about homosexuality. May the Call2Fall and other prayer initiatives planned this summer and fall be used to help God's people lay hold of God's promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14 - the Healing of our Land (Jdg 20:11; 2 Ch 7:14; 26:16-21; Ps 133: all; Acts 4:23-31;5:18-20; 15:6).
Prayer Targets [FRC]
This two out of three breakdown is no anomaly—FRC's general organization makeup is at least 2/3 focused on LGBT matters. And even when that's not the key topic, the fight against LGBT rights tends to find its way into the program in ways both subtle and overt.
This is why so many of us are so focused on holding Tony Perkins accountable when he makes his many appearances on mainstream television outlets. It's not because *we* are obsessed with the gay thing—it's because he is!