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Vote For Marriage NC staffers: Jason Mraz is a has-been; our supporters are too old to care
- Kami Mueller is Vote For Marriage NC's Communications Director.
- Leonard Goenaga is Vote For Marriage NC's Grassroots Director.
- Jason Mraz is one of the most popular singer/songwriters working today; he tweeted his opposition to NOrth Carolina's discriminatory Amendment 1.
Here's what the first two have to say about the third:
Well, glad to hear these two are sacrificing the younger vote. We of course already knew that we are winning the future, but it's always nice to hear it from someone who sees the internal polling data.
Oh, and as for peaking in 2002? No, Kami: It was actually inequality that did that. As soon as Massachusetts gave us marriage equality in '03, it's been a downward slide for discrimination's untuneful career. That's a big ol' #boom!