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Audio: Tony Perkins 'doesn't really care' about homosexuality; proceeds to link it to adultery, 'special rights'

by Jeremy Hooper

Tony Perkins, when he's not busy defaming the character and journalistic practices of yours truly, spends nearly every day of his life fighting marriage equality for same-sex couples, employment protections, anti-bullying provisions, inclusive military service, and basically anything having to do with LGBT people, their rights, and their protections. He's also a vociferous champion of the idea that gay people can and should "change."

Tony also personally fundraises around the idea that LGBT teens are immoral and embracing "perversion," and that the It Gets Better project is "disgusting":


Tony makes these lifestyle choices based on his chosen religious preference, which he thinks should shape our shared public policy. So whereas heterosexual people are judged on any number of things but sex, Tony reduces everything having to do with LGBT people down to their "practices." He so does militantly, for both profit and D.C. access.

But now listen to this very same human being claim that he doesn't care about homosexuality. This, right before his FRC colleague Jerry Boykin compares homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality, and Perkins himself compares it to adultery:

Today's Issues [AFA]

Right, Tony. The problem is that you consider anything beyond our deeply closeted status to be a "forced embrace"! At least have the fortitude own that, tough guy!

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