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Focus on the Family's plan to combat LGBT social stigma? Going younger and louder with the very same

by Jeremy Hooper

A new Human Rights Campaign study on LGBT youth produced findings like this:

* Over 90 percent of LGBT youth say they hear negative messaging about being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

* While nearly 70 percent of straight youth describe themselves as happy, the number drops to 37 percent among LGBT young people.

* LGBT youth are twice as likely as their peers to face relentless verbal abuse.

* Our LGBT youth also are at increased risk for physical assault, and are four times more likely than their straight counterparts to be harassed on-line.

* LGBT young people are twice as likely to experiment with drugs or alcohol, and face significantly higher risks of being homeless or living in foster care.
Chad Griffin: New Youth Survey Highlights Importance of Full Equality [HRC]

So Focus on the Family's answer? Telling these kids they are confused, unhealthy, and in need of saving:

*AUDIO SOURCE: Gay Teens Less Happy, More Likely to Take Risks [Focus on the Family's Citizenlink]

You really don't get much more dangerous messaging than this. Not just offensive or unscientific, both labels that fit. This aggressive blind eye to the real problem in order to push a "pro-family" Christian agenda goes further than the common offense. This is truly and deeply dangerous stuff from adults who should know better.

Please pray for them.

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