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FRC 'invited to actively participate in' Republican Convention

by Jeremy Hooper

When groups like Log Cabin Republicans and GOProud publicly ponder why so many LGBT voters still consider the Republican party to be a complete and utter non-starter, they must be honest about the fact that their party continues to invite the most outwardly hostile anti-LGBT groups in the country to help share party platform decisions. This from the Family Research Council:


Considering this organization has suggested exporting gays, prints pamphlets that begin by comparing same-sex marriage to man-on-horse, and has contributed some of the worst and most personally-targeted quotes in all of Anti-gayville, perhaps we should be thankful if the GOP platform stops at only marriage. Left to its own devices, it's certain that FRC and its staff would take the platform away from a mere statement of positions and turn it into a full-on plank from which they'd give any and all LGBT gains one final walk.

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