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Gas pains: Exxon continues to cater to Family Research Council values

by Jeremy Hooper

Year after year, Exxon-Mobil and its shareholders continue to express hostility towards LGBT employees and the protection thereof. The company's reward for doing so? Praise from the most hostile LGBT rights opponents out there, such as the SPLC-designated "hate group" Family Research Council:

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In five or ten years, Exxon Mobil will likely come around. All companies will. This LGBT thing is not a fad, despite what groups like FRC might want you to believe. We are not going away, and we will not stop pushing for the fair, deserved protections that are so richly needed. Corporate America is wishing up more every year, with holdouts drastically outpaced.

But in the meantime, we have one major American oil company that earns accolades from what is surely the most aggressively discriminatory organization working in America today. I'm not sure who they think that benefits, really. But I do know at least one consumer who'd sooner call a tow truck to move his gas-drained car than he would purchase fuel from a certain tiger-logoed company.

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