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I agree with Bryan Fischer—Romney campaign rife with LGBT/GOP hypocrisy, entanglements

by Jeremy Hooper

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I mean really, at this point, is there even half a question that Mitt "I'll be better than Ted Kennedy on gay rights" Romney is simply abounding with decades of LGBT rights hypocrisy? He said one thing when in a blue state, yet now does things like sign a heinous NOM pledge and pander to one of the most extremely anti-LGBT schools in this nation. And he does all this game-playing not on some sort of minor policy issue that can be reasonably detached from personal freedoms, but rather on a crucial matter of human worth that affects millions of tax-payers and their families.

Mitt's devolution from possible LGBT rights moderate to full-out antagonist is as hurtful as it is hypocritical, and as as nakedly partisan as it is grossly inauthentic. The anti-equality conservative wing might still support this candidate despite the years of mega waffles—but they're going to have to own that waffling, too! Mitt Romney's telling them what they want to hear and a theoretical President Romney would surely try to implement much of it, as a measure of appeasement, if not actual desire. But Romney and all committed to the anti-LGBT political agenda are going to seem increasingly "squirrelly" because the anti-LGBT world view is non-negotiably untenable. It's not the future.

Romney once knew the direction of the conversation, and I know for fact that he has top GOP figures telling him the lay of the land now. But the candidate also has a GOP that is years away from freeing the religious right stranglehold that has muddied so many waters for so many years. So he'll take the pro-LGBT bucks and he'll hear the pragmatic advisers—but not without playing footsie with discrimination. So very squirrelly indeed.

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