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'New Yorker' covers Fischer, the thorn that Mitt Romney is scared to piss off

by Jeremy Hooper

If you care about this whole "culture war," I highly recommend checking out the latest issue of The New Yorker, where you can find a ten page profile of the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer. From Bryan's telling fascination with masculinity and what he calls "muscular Christianity"…

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…to insight from past friends who were turned off by Bryan's rhetorical style...

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…to reminders about the thin tax tightrope that the AFA is walking with Fischer….

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…the article, written by Jane Mayer, notes some very interesting points about this man, his inextricable connections to the conservative movement at large, and his outsized influence over the the current election and GOP candidate.

How do you know it's good? Well, because Bryan himself hates it:

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Check it out below. It's $5.99 if you want to read the whole article (which comes bundled with the full issue):

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LETTER FROM TUPELO: Bully Pulpit: An evangelist talk-show host’s campaign to control the Republican Party. [New Yorker]

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