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Peter Sprigg's anti-bullying strawmen keep eyes dangerously blinded

by Jeremy Hooper

Of the Obama Administration's efforts to combat the obvious and demonstrable problem of anti-LGBT bullying in schools, the Family Research Council's Peter "I'd prefer to export gays" Sprigg asks:

"I'm curious whether [Education Secretary Arne Duncan] would be willing to meet with Christian students in a similar way so that they could relate their experiences of bullying and persecution because they've expressed their faith or their personal moral convictions at school," Sprigg notes.
Extra focus on LGBT unnecessary [ONN]
MORE: Holy Bullies & Headless Monsters

Um, yeah, Peteā€”he would absolutely meet with Christian students and you know it. And you know what? Many of those Christian students might also be LGBT. Because despite your movement's best attempts to convince us otherwise, Peter, religion and sexual orientation are not mutually exclusive.

And stop with the ridiculous idea that Christian students are being cruelly and callously harassed in anything close to the same way that LGBT people have been and continue to be. Christian acceptance is not the equality movement's enemy. Can the anti-equality movement say the same of LGBT people? In that answer lies the crystal clear problem.

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