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Pining for court-martialed gay soldiers, pinning hopes on Mitt

by Jeremy Hooper

Ron Crews and his willing allies at the American Family Association reminiscence about the days when being gay was a military crime. This from the AFA's One News Now site:

"It's extremely disappointing to me that the Pentagon is celebrating today behavior that one year ago was a court-martial offense," [Ron Crews, spokesman for the Chaplain Alliance For Religious Liberty] laments. "The Pentagon is setting apart a category of military personnel that's based on their sexual behavior."
The retired chaplain says Tuesday's celebration illustrates the need to elect new leadership this fall. "We hope that people in this country are going to recognize the direction that this country is going and will say enough is enough," he shares.
"And [we hope] that there will be a change at the ballot box that would provide new leadership; that we would have a Commander-in-Chief who would honor and recognize marriage as a union of one man and one woman; and that Congress would once again recognize the traditional family and moral values that have made our country strong."
Crews says the Chaplain Alliance finds it ironic that while the Pentagon is willing to celebrate deviant behavior, it has never promoted a "heterosexual pride month" to honor the contributions of those who make up at least 97 percent of the military.
Pentagon honors what used to be a military crime [ONN]

Mmmm hmmm, right—those poor heterosexuals that the military has long overlooked. What next, Ron: Going to tell me that the military has been complacent about pushing camouflage as a fashion trend?

But you heard him, American voter: If you want to go back to days when "what used to be a military crime" will find newfound shunning, then maybe you should support Ron Crews' candidate. But if you prefer to move on to actual social issues that we debate on history's right side, then maybe you'll choose candidates who are ready to put this contrived, costly, and highly offensive "culture war" mindset to rest. For good.

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