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AP gives Perkins platform to dishonor NY marriage anniversary #GLAADCAP
The Associated Press gave Tony Perkins a platform to speak about tomorrow's anniversary of marriage in New York, since saying completely baseless things about gay people is still enough to earn someone punditry gigs within our falsely "balanced" media space:
"As it passes, people begin to realize that it's more than two people standing at the altar, it literally alters all of society," said Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council. [AP via Google]
Folks worldwide can visit Tony's Commentator Accountability Project profile for any number of reasons why he is no "expert" on same-sex marriage and is instead driven by his clearly demonstrated animus towards LGBT people (e.g. “They are intolerant. They are hateful. They are vile. They are spiteful…pawns of the enemy”; homosexuals may recognize intuitively that their same-sex attractions are abnormal”; are "operating outside of nature"; etc.) themselves. Folks in New York state can look at the non-decimated society outside of their windows and call Tony's ever-outrageous bluff.