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Audio: Peter Sprigg reminds radio host of FRC's SPLC status
Kudos to Peter Sprigg for noting that the Southern Poverty Law Center does have criteria—criteria that has chosen his Family Research Council for special designation:
Joy Cardin Show [WPR]
It's actually perfect that Peter was the one to note the distinction, since he is one of the main reasons FRC has earned the dubious honor. Comments like these are the reasons why:
Peter says he'd prefer to export "destructive" gays from the U.S.:
*SOURCE: Gays seek immigration reform [Medill Reports]
Peter saying homosexuality should come with criminal sanctions:
People don't say things like the above because they misspoke. Peter—who, I should add, is also an aggressive advocate for the idea that gays can and should change and sits on the board of the "ex-gay" PFOX organization— has made his intended role for gays in American society pretty damn clear. Criminalization? "Change"? Deportation? You don't get much more extreme than that!
SPLC simply opened their eyes and ears.