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Chick-fil-a: 'Going forward, our intent is to leave policy debate over same-sex marriage to govt., political arena'

by Jeremy Hooper

Social conservatives have defended the company and shot the many messengers who brought the facts to light. But clearly Chick-fil-a is rattled by their President and COO's choice to say that "prideful, arrogant" gay marriage supporters "are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say 'we know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage'":

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Once again, I'm struck by the undeniable difference between the two sides of this conversation. When companies like Starbucks or Google are questioned about their support for equality, they stand by their convictions. They put our families in ads. They color their products in Pride colors. And so on and so forth.

But when we bring an anti-equality-minded company (or company executive's) thoughts to light, we get spin, defense, and an eventual walk back. Always, every time. In that reality there is a powerful statement about the rightness and trend lines attached to this public debate.

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