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Chick-fil-A's latest unhelpful defender: Man who admits he'd like to 're-stigmatize' gays
This is Peter LaBarbera's admitted position on homosexuality:
MORE: Peter LaBarbera [GLAAD CAP]
So while I know he thinks he's doing the company a solid, I would imagine that even a less-than-accepting company like Chick-fil-A would be reluctant to accept this support:
Maybe I'm wrong, and Chick-fil-A is happy to have multiple groups that the Southern Poverty Law Center has given a special designation defending the company's honor. But I'm thinking not.
* Bryan Fischer continues to think he's helping Chick-Fil-A; isn't [G-A-Y]
* Chick-fil-A's new booster: Man who says gays are 'particularly evil lie of Satan' [G-A-Y]