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Confectionary consumerism = bullying in FRC's bitter world view

by Jeremy Hooper

Two men walk into a cake shop. No, it's not the start of a joke—it's the start of something that actually happened. To two men. Who were looking to purchase a cake. To celebrate their union.

There's was an act of consumerism, similar to one that millions of people make every day in absence of any sort of test regarding what the buyer(s) plan to do with the cake after it is purchased. But of course since gays are still an acceptably detestable minority group, those who foster that animus towards LGBT say stuff like this about the intended cake purchase and the motivations of the purchasers:

[Masterpiece Cakes' Jack Phillips] says he feels so strongly about the issue that he'd be willing to sacrifice his business over it. "If it came to that point, we would close down the bakery before we would compromise our beliefs. That may be what it comes to… we'll see." Our hats go off to Jack and business owners like him who politely but firmly stand their ground when the bullies come calling. There is no appeasing the other side on marriage--and the sooner Americans learn that, the better. [SOURCE: Family Research Council, words attributed to president Tony Perkins]

Bullies? Seriously? Going into a shop with nothing but joy on your agenda and confectionaries on your mind is now an act of bullying if said joys and sweet tooths come with a gay sexual orientation attached? Really? That's what you're going with, FRC?

It is stunning the ability and apparent lack of shame with with which the far-right social conservatives will flip the script in order to turn a clear-cut act of bias into one where they and their supporters are somehow the victims. I would argue that it's the very overplayed hand that is quickly destroying their reputation with an increasingly clued-in public as well as the cynical bastardization of religion that is drawing young people away from faith in increasingly large numbers.

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