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CO baker: 'I'd rather close down my business' than serve an 'unacceptable practice'

by Jeremy Hooper

Pasty chef Jack Phillips, the owner of Colorado's Masterpiece Cakes, isScreen Shot 2012-07-25 At 7.25.49 Am making it perfectly clear: he has no intention of serving gay couples, nondiscrimination ordinances be damned:

"Because I'm a follower of Jesus Christ and I believe that the Bible teaches that's an unacceptable practice"…"I would close down the bakery before I'd compromise my beliefs on that"
FULL AUDIO AT LINK: Cake Shop Refuses Same-Sex Wedding [Focus on the Family]

Gotta say, I admire his candor. Usually with these kinds of stories, we get the offending business owner walking back his or her deeds. But not Jack. He's all like, "Yeah, I discriminated—so what?" That's different.

I mean it's really not savvy from a business perspective, as any logical person would tell you that Jack's destined to be penalized in some fashion. Communities cannot and should not operate in a way that allows public business/accommodations to turn away customers on the expressed basis of sexual orientation. But hey, at least Jack is frank about his stance and seems ready to take the inevitable fallout like a grown up. I respect that refreshing non-shirking of responsibility, even while I groan at the extreme level of detestation that certain people still hold towards our lives, loves, and celebratory confections.

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