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FRC faults soldiers for saluting 'wrong' flag, illustrated by photo w/ almost as many American flags as people

by Jeremy Hooper

If the Family Research Council wants to set up a false dichotomy between saluting the traditional stars and stripes and respecting the LGBT pride flag, then they probably shouldn't go with a graphic in which the (presumably) LGB soldiers are shown carrying no less than three American flags:

Screen Shot 2012-07-26 At 8.37.58 Am
[FRC Washington Update (words attributed to president Tony Perkins)]

I mean I know this obsessively anti-LGBT special interest group is hellbent on making us seem like we exist in some sort of "other" category that is at war with patriotism, religion, morality, and any other wholly separate concept that they wish to contrast against our sexual orientations and/or gender identities/expression. But I don't know, when I see human beings who have signed up to fight and possibly die for their country hosting up American flags, I tend to believe that those people have just an eensy bit of honor for this nation. I'm pretty confident that an increasingly clued in public is much more in line with my thoughts than they are with the militantly dishonoring musings of FRC.

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