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FRC: General Mills said 'marriage is bad for business'; Reality: No, General Mills didn't. At all. Not even a little bit.
The whole thing's ridiculous, but particularly focus on the line I've highlighted:
Now I know the social conservatives are desperate to position their stance as being nothing more than support for marriage, but this one is just crazy. General Mills came out against an amendment that would limit marriages. One would assume that this means the company would like to see more marriages—marriages for not only their opposite-sex-partnered customers, but also those who are in love with someone of the same gender. More marriages, not less.
What most pro-equality companies believe is that discrimination is bad. Not just bad for business, but bad for society (or even bad for business, as some pro-equality companies have admitted that their principled stance might hurt their bottom lines). Companies like General Mills stand up because they are of this world and they know that LGBT people are as well. Groups like Family Research Council don't have to support this, the reality of our world. However, they will be the ones gunning for any kinds of marriages, not those of us on the side of freedom. The rhetorical sleight of hand will not alter the truth.