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'It's the liberal media's fault…' starring Focus on the Family's Esther Fleece
When Politico covered GLAAD's Commentator Accountability Project, an effort that literally does nothing more than cite certain pundits own words, Focus on the Family's millennial outreach person, Esther Fleece, said that outlet was being "gossipy":
When Toms shoes company became aware of how anti-LGBT/pro"ex-gay" Focus on the Family remains to this day and chose to speak out against that agenda, those of us who presented the documented facts were accused of using "noise and nonsense":
And now, when Huffington Post Gay Voices accurately notes what Chick-Fil-A President and COO Dan Cathy said on a radio show ("we are inviting God's judgment on our nation...") by CITING AND DIRECTLY LINKING TO THE AUDIO FROM SAID SHOW, Esther accuses that outlet of being unbalanced:
My comment forum, as always, is open to Ms. Fleece and her unedited words. She also knows how to contact me both on Twitter and via email, and has done so on a few occasions. I welcome her balance, should she choose to provide it.
But she really needs to stop bearing false witness by accusing everyone else of being skewed. Chick-fil-a fries up deceased chickens, not shot messengers.