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Maggie and Keith vs. Facts and Reality #GLAADCAP

by Jeremy Hooper
In a post this week for her side project, the Culture War Victory Fund, National Organization For Marriage co-founder Gallagher-Highres 1 Maggie Gallagher treads territory that is so familiar these days that I'd imagine it has to be getting boring for her. I know it's getting boring for me.

Namely, Maggie pushes that persistent (and insistent) far-right meme that pretends free speech somehow also includes the freedom from any and all scrutiny or criticism of that speech.

In her column, Maggie cites three different subjects, all of whom chose to take some sort of a public stand that calls into question the benign worth, placement, and/or equality granted (or denied) to LGBT people and their families. Then she acts as if all three are being unfairly denied their freedom of speech, because they made those comments in a public response space that also grants freedom of speech to those with dissenting opinions. Maggie cites things like Twitter and online comment forums (both largely un-policed rhetorical outlets where free reign rules the day on all sides), as if our density-rich and viewpoint-scattered population's desire and ability to have its own say constitutes a "silencing" of those who share her viewpoints.

While that theme, based on its rote typicality and glaring intellectual dishonesty, is enough to annoy me in the abstract, there is one particular part of Maggie's piece that I really want to focus on: her take on and defense of Fox News commentator (and fellow #GLAADCAPper) Keith Ablow:


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