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NOM, ActRight become *even more* extreme; meet Dr. Laurence White
Dr. Laurence White, a Lutheran preacher and member of the Family Research Council's advisory board, is one of those people who likes to draw deeply offensive, grossly ahistorical comparisons between the Holocaust and the American "culture war." In doing this, he also loves to call gay people vile perverts:
The Sin of Silence (archived)
I mean he *really* loves doing this. It's kind of his schtick, the whole Adolfian juxtaposition thing. Here he is in a 1998 speech, where he says that abortion makes Hitler "look like a humanitarian" and that alternative lifestyles (aka homosexuality) constitutes the "vilest perversion":
Want more? Well here, check out one the sermons White delivered at his Church:
Right, so why should you care? Oh, well—because on August 11, the National Organization For Marriage and ActRight (Brian Brown's side project) will co-sponsor, along with Citizens United and The Family Leader, an uber-conservative summit that features the likes of Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee. Additionally, the summit will also feature this very same, very anti-gay Dr. Laurence White:
This is the new face of NOM. They've dropped both the non-partisan and the non–personally hostile masks and instead signed fully on to the far-right, animus-filled agenda.
NOM's shift in tone, as we enter into all of these marriage fights in the states, is a gift to us, handed in on a silver platter. The question: what are we going to do with it?