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NOM ally Mike Huckabee doesn't support NOM's Starbucks boycott
From Focus on the Family's Citizenlink:
MIKE HUCKABEE: Instead of having an honest, rational, intellectually sound discussion about whether the COO of a company should be able to make statements, whether it’s Dan Cathy at Chick-fil-A or Howard Schultz at Starbucks — which I think is fine. If Howard Schultz wants to make statements, that’s fine. Let him do it. I’m not going to go asking for a boycott of Starbucks. This is a marketplace. If Starbucks starts writing on the side of every cup ‘We Don’t Like Christians,” then I’d have to look at it differently. But Starbucks sells coffee. Chick-fil-A sells chicken. The point of view of its senior executives and their founders is frankly their business. I just find this level of trying to destroy people’s jobs and livelihoods because they don’t agree with them — that’s very troubling, and it gets to the very heart of a kind of America that’s very different than the one we grew up with.
I actually agree with Huckabee here. As I've been saying all along, the outspoken companies on our side (Amazon, Starbucks, Google, Microsoft, J.C. Penny, Home Depot, Facebook, Orbitz, etc.) always *do* stand their ground, even when challenged. What those of us on this side of the Chick-fil-A debate is for Dan Cathy and the company to simply own the comments (e.g. "shaking fist at God"; "judgment": "deprived mind" etc) and actions (donations, bans at WinShape retreat) that they have chosen to put on record rather than twisting it into just being about "defending marriage" (or shooting the messenger).
The major thing here is that the National Organization for Marriage's ally in this Chick-fil-A brouhaha and partner in an upcoming conservative event, Mike Huckabee, just came out against NOM's boycotts of both General Mills and Starbucks. As someone who has never called for a boycott of Chick-fil-A, I too am *TOTALLY* comfortable with letting the marketplaces of both ideas and business play out as they will. Mike Huckabee just needs to be honest about the true nature of this conversation