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NOM gloats over pro-equality pastor's loss of church property
These days, I don't put much past the once-pragmatic National Organization For Marriage. But there's something particularly yucky about this latest NOM Blog post:
This man is losing his church. The only conceivable reason why NOM staff would tout the story is because they see it as a boon for the brand and cause, and maybe they're right in terms of their more ardent supporters. But is that really where the larger public is—at a place where we hope people with whom we disagree on matters of *CIVIL* policy would lose their faith homes because of the associated political debate? Really?
For his part, Rev. White is more than happy to remain firm against the NOM agenda:
White, who walked in the "Freedom Marches" during the civil rights movement, said he has no regrets about casting his vote in favor of gay-marriage rights and plans to vote "no" this November on a state constitutional amendment that will define marriage as being between one man and one woman.
FULL: Pastor whose congregation dwindled after gay-marriage vote to close St. Paul church [Pioneer Press]
Because what is right and is fair is not determined by property, public polling, or insensitive blog posts from D.C. special interest groups.