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NOM alienates Jitters and Bliss Coffee's pro-equality customer base

by Jeremy Hooper

In order to combat the pro-equality Starbucks, the National Organization For Marriage has partnered with a coffee company called Jitters and Bliss:

This week we are proud to roll out Jitters and Bliss Coffee as a provider of excellent coffee that can be brewed with a clean conscience any time you want at home, at the office or at your church.
During the month of July Jitters and Bliss is offering a 5% discount to every customer who enters the promotional code "marriage". A small portion of each purchase made also goes to support the National Organization for Marriage as we work to educate people and corporations on the importance of marriage to our society.

But get this: In a truly weak move, NOM and Jitters and Bliss are claiming that this is not an example of the latter company taking a position:

Let me be clear. Jitters and Bliss has not, as a corporation, taken a position in the debate over marriage. Just like every company, they have customers, employees, and vendors who hold personal views on what marriage ought to be. They are committed to honoring those views by maintaining a neutral corporate position on marriage.
[NOM Blog]

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. A company that puts its Christian mission front and center on its website...

Screen Shot 2012-07-02 At 2.01.44 Pm-1
[Jitters and Bliss]

…has partnered with the nation's most anti-marriage-equality organization, and yet this is simply a *neutral* position?! Give. Me. A. Break! If you want the Bliss of this financial windfall, kids, then you need cut the Jitters you feel about this partnership! Lending credence to civil discrimination is *NOT* ever neutral. Those of us who tithe to both the government and to the coffee Gods could never, in clean conscience, support a company that is actively working to deny our rights as taxpayers!

I mean, frankly, I think the company Jitters are perfectly placed, since partnering with civil discrimination is a pretty negative stance for any business to take in the year 2012. But if you make a choice like this, then you gotta stick with it! Starbucks has.

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