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NOM working to divide gays and blacks, just as NOM so cynically and divisively said it would
Let me remind you that this is the National Organization's expressed strategy, which the anti-LGBT organization never thought the world would see (highlighting is my own):
Previously Confidential Documents Shed Light on NOM Strategy [NOM Exposed]
And this is what that continued strategy sounds like in practice:
"Governor Romney has it exactly right that marriage as the union of one man and one woman is a pro-family policy that uplifts American families, especially in the black community," said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "The strongest supporters of traditional marriage include African Americans, 70 percent of whom have voted for traditional marriage. We commend Governor Romney and the rank and file members of the NAACP for recognizing the importance of traditional marriage."
"Traditional marriage enjoys steadfast support in America, especially among African Americans," said Brown. "Just this past May, an overwhelming percentage of black voters supported a marriage protection amendment in North Carolina, just as they did several years ago in California and in other states. We know that despite the actions of some African American elites, rank and file voters in the black community continue to support marriage as the union of one man and one woman."
NAACP Members Applaud Mitt Romney's Support for Traditional Marriage [NOM Blog]
It's a dangerous game that NOM, a deeply Republican organization, is working for its own political, financial, and networking gain. Those secret documents we all awe earlier this year are not dead trees—they are living, guiding views. They should be addressed as such.