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NOM's religious liaison: Gays are unnatural like pedophiles, time for 'assault'

by Jeremy Hooper

Rev. Willie Owens is the National Organization For Marriage's religious liaison:


Now listen in as this very same Rev. William Owens admits that he sees gay people as unnatural, that he wants there to be an "assault" against those of us who live and love peacefully within same-sex marriages, that he sees President Obama as akin Judas, and that the Commander-in-Chief's support for marriage equality is somehow "condoing" child molestation:

*FULL VIDEO: Black Clergy Group Opposes Pres. Obama on Gay Marriage [CSPAN]

Not the way I would liase if I was the organization trying to deny animus.  But far be it from me to advise NOM.


*BONUS AUDIO: Listen what happen when a reporter calmly asked him what he meant by biblical marriage:

Ah, gotta love those freedoms. They seem to only flow in the form of a monologue with the "protect marriage" crowd.

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