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Peter LaBarbera: Pass laws against gay adoption
Peter LaBarbera is one of those "values" voices who, every time he speaks to the media, one can imagine the more pragmatic members of his moving collectively saying, "SHHHHHHH!!! Peter, we don't say this stuff publicly!!!"
Why? Well, because when he talks, he, a person who is wholly untrained in the areas of child and family development, pushes for off-message things like legislative bans on gay adoption:
"Of course the homosexual lobby wants to pretend that gay parenting should be as easy and natural as normal parenting, but the fact is that it's not normal -- so of course there should be extra burdens," he tells OneNewsNow. "In fact, I would be in favor of legislation making it harder, for example, for homosexuals to adopt children, because I don't think its healthy for children to be robbed of a mother or a father intentionally in the name of gay rights." [ONN]
Go ahead, "values" movement. Overplay this hand. Admit that you don't want to stop at marriage policy and instead want to go after loving, same-sex–headed families. We will not only win that new fight, but it will completely obliterate your earlier ones!