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Sen. Paul, Sen Rubio: Do you think gays are controlled by Satan? Because your 9/9 co-panelists do.
If there's one thing that binds Tony Perkins, Jim Garlow, Harry Jackson, and Kenyn Cureton, and Jerry Boykin, it's their staunch belief that LGBT rights and other societal matters are guided by Satan himself.
Let's start with Kenyn, the Family Research Council's Vice President Of Church Ministries:
(from a strategy speech delivered at a 2012 Concerned Women For America conference)
Then there's Jim Garlow. I could give you any number of video clips from the California pastor and Prop 8 champion's vast repertoire. But really, Garlow's feelings are summed up in this sermon:
Let's move on to Harry Jackson. Here we have that Maryland Marriage Alliance personality talking (to outrageous talk show host Bradlee Dean, no less) about the "satanic plot to destroy our seed":
Here's Jerry Boykin, the man who FRC uses to speak on any and all gays-in-the-military matters:M/p>
Oh, and of course we have FRC president and frequent TV pundit Tony Perkins. Again, Perkins' repertoire is vast and clear. But here, this is one that really shows what Tony thinks about us and will say about us when not on "Morning Joe":
Right, so why does this "satan" talk matter to you right now? Well, if you are a constituent of either U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-NC) or superstar U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), you probable should care, because those two, along with an Associate Justice of the NC Supreme Court, will soon be lending credence to all that you heard above:
U.S. Senators get a pass when they cater to this sort of thing as it applies to any other minority group. Right? RIGHT?!