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The latest weapon in our Homosexual Agenda™: The 'Ice Age' movies, of course
This from WorldNetDaily columnist Drew Zahn:
For the record: “Family” is not defined by whoever loves whom, but as a married man and woman, likely with children. This is the best, healthiest and God-designed plan for familial relationships and raising the next generation.
And while death and divorce too often bring about single-parent homes – which are no less a “family” – these face unfortunate trials and struggles, which God’s perfect plan, only in an unfilled world, would spare them from.
Yet there are ideologies and world views that reject God’s ideal for the home and would like to redefine “family,” just as they seek to redefine “marriage.” They would like to see “family” freely include two men, or two women, or children and two daddies, or children and multiple mommies or … who knows what’s next.
And the message that Manny the mammoth and Sid the sloth and Diego the sabertooth make “a family” fits the agenda of these saboteurs of biblical truth perfectly. If I were planning to effectively but covertly undermine the nuclear family as the ideal, frankly, I couldn’t come up with a better plan than the “Ice Age” movies.
Sid the Sloth could not be reached for rebuttal.