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Video: Chattanooga pastor spends an hour sharing his 'truth'; ruins a good table in the process

by Jeremy Hooper

If Pastor Tony Walliser from Chattanooga, Tennessee's Silverdale Baptist Church had spent his Sunday morning actually brunching with gay families, he might have gotten a dose of the vast truth that surrounds homosexuality in its actual, living, breathing form. However, he instead chose to tell his congregants that gay folks are like a table…

Screen Shot 2012-07-12 At 2.12.25 Pm

…with a leg removed, so that he could then push all of the myths that have been used to demonize gays (or the far-right version thereof) for decades now. Then he uses this misinformation to persuade his followers that gays can and should change.

Watch as much or as little as you want. The ridiculous table portion of the program begins around the 16:30 mark:

20120610 The Truth About Homosexuality from Silverdale Baptist Church on Vimeo.

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