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Why do we talk so much about LGBT rights? Because they are targeting us every hour, on the hour!
When people ask why we in the LGBT community focus so much attention on the conservatives' political fight against us, consider something like this. This is what the American Family Association, which just announced that it has joined with NOM and Mike Huckabee in support of Chick-fil-A, considers to be the top topics of the week/month:
Of the seven, six involve degradation of LGBT rights and people. The AFA presents itself as a "Christian" "values" organization, but a good 85% of their daily agenda is dedicated to stopping LGBT people from having a fair, benign shake at this life, often viciously so. That's why we are forced to talk about this stuff so much—because they refuse to stop!!
And in case you're thinking, "Well it's just the fringe AFA, who really cares?" well consider last fall's Values Voter Summit (so-called). Remember who spoke just seconds after the GOP's presumptive presidential nominee? Here, let me remind you:
The GOP can't have it both ways. The party can't say that stuff like the AFA are not representative of the party and then have the party's nominee share a stage, audience, and cause with that organization's most overheated spokesperson. When the party leaders make those connections, we are going to make those connections!
Those connections are vehemently anti-LGBT, an unfortunate reality for all of us, of all political stripes, who'd rather focus on actual social ills.