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About that writer the far-right is trying to contrast with Zach Wahls...
You may have seen the far-right pushing around a commentary from Robert Oscar Lopez, a conservative writer who purports to have a horror story of growing up with a mother who was in a relationship with another woman. Everyone from Matt Barber to Maggie Gallagher has used it as some sort of a warning sign to build on the now–de rigueur conservative attempts to discredit gay people's homes.
But check this out. I was piddling around Robert Oscar Lopez' Twitter account to see if I could get some insight into his overarching beliefs. What I found was a whole coterie of posts decrying just about every component of LGBT activism, from Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal (a "sham") to gay suicide prevention ("sick destructive obsession"):
I can't access the links because they all go to Mr. Lopez' invite-only blog, Critical News scan. But it's pretty darn clear that there is a larger agenda here. There most always is.