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And now for today's (first) far-right claim about gays destroying the world...
From WorldNetDaily top columnist David Kupelian:
Today’s idiotic and ultimately suicidal national pretense that homosexuality is perfectly normal – that two men or two women can somehow be joined together in holy matrimony, that moral/religious opposition to this perversity renders you a bigot and a criminal, and that justice is somehow served by forcing a Christian mother to turn over her beloved daughter to a litigious homosexual – all this, my friends, is high mockery of God and His laws.
However, “God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7 KVJ)
If we do not change course, America the Exceptional – the freest, most moral, prosperous, blessed and beloved nation on earth, which millions fought and died to protect – will reap the whirlwind of national disintegration and unimaginable suffering.
"Idiotic"? "Ultimately suicidal"? "High mockery of God"? "Will reap the whirlwind of national disintegration and unimaginable suffering"?
Hey, anti-LGBT conservatives—tell me again about how you all are the real victims and how equality advocates who monitor your never-ending parade of hostilities are somehow the aggressors. It's really convincing. Honestly.