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Audio: AFA's Buster Wilson sets new record for playing both victim and aggressor
This is a very good primer of how the extreme far-rights wants to have it both ways. In this clip, Buster Wilson starts by comparing us to thieves, liars, and adulterers, before then moving on to framing us as inherently sick. But then, in the middle (around 1:15), he tries to make it sound as if he is nothing more than a "supporter of traditional marriage," doing a whole victimization routine about how he and his cohorts are maligned simply for taking a stand on that one issue. But then, immediately after that (around 1:38)? He goes right back into painting us as sick and detestable, saying that homosexuality is "hated by God" and filled with an innate "unhealthiness." and "unnatural" spirit
Listen in:
[AFA (I'll get full link when it's posted)]
Look, before I get more of the reductive anti-intellectualism from that side: I could not be more supportive of Buster's right to say such things about me. To believe such things about me. To shout such things from the rooftops. I could not have less interest in "silencing" him.
But he can't have it both ways. No, Buster—you are not scrutinized simply because you oppose civil marriage equality for same-sex couples. Stop pretending. Stop lying. You earn scrutiny because of all of the rest of it. If you dish it, you must take it. That is called debate. That is called free speech.