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Audio: Tim Wildmon denies SPLC label by denying that gays are good, healthy, normal
For about nine minutes of year another attempt to deny their heightened negative role in this so-called "culture war," Tim Wildmon, Ed Vitagliano, and Tony Perkins talk about all the research they supposedly have on their side. Then Tim Wildmon demolishes everything said prior when he says this:
FULL AUDIO: The SPLC is a Fringe Political Group That Engages in Ritual Defamation [AFA]
Frankly, Don Wildmon, I don't care if you "concede" anything. You can shout (your interpretation of) Romans 1 from the rooftops, my dear. We all must have our extracurricular activities.
But your militant insistence on using a handful of cherry-picked words to condemn millions of the world's naturally-existing people and to deny those same human begins of their rights as citizens? It's never going to be okay, no matter how defiantly you might present it.