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It's not just Dan Cathy: Press outreach guy on board of pro-'ex-gay' Family Life #Chickfila
The man who is speaking to the press about this…
…is one of seven members of the board….
…of an organization whose outreach to gay people looks and sounds like this:
(Pastor Robert Lewis speaking)
[FULL AUDIO AT LINK (there's *lots* of "broken sexuality" talk to chew on)]
"Caught in the throes of homosexuality"? Relying on the directors of two "ex-gay" groups to see gays "out" of those throes? And all of it posted just this spring with such strong and clearly identified ties to the company board room?
Since the company's defenders are so adamant about giving the company its freedom of speech (as am I), I contacted Mr. Robinson yesterday afternoon and asked for his prompt reply. Perhaps he is a dissenting board member who doesn't think gays should be changed. When he gets back to me, I'll let you know.
Until then? More questions for the LGBT consumer.