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Margaret Hoover is 'seditious' and other things NOM is trying to fib into truth
In his weekly email to supporters, National Organization For Marriage president Brian Brown condemns the "seditious" "Margaret Hoover Republicans" who are trying to speed up the progression by which the Republican Party will reach its inevitable, pro-marriage-equality destiny:
In the buildup to the RNC Convention in Tampa, the Log Cabin Republicans and GOProud promised that a new generation of Margaret Hoover Republicans would help weaken the GOP's commitment to marriage.
This is part of a larger narrative of supposed inevitability that we always hear: "Support for gay marriage is growing everywhere."
Except when it's not.
The effort to get the GOP to retreat from marriage in Tampa was an epic fail for the seditious pro-gay marriage elites within the GOP!
[NOM Blog]
Brian goes on to thank both Phyllis Schlafly and Tony Perkins for helping craft the GOP's highly discriminatory platform language. Oddly, Brian made no mention of Clint's empty chair, proving he does have at least some finger on the pulse of what is marring the GOP's forward-thinking image.